The "Major Tweak"...

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  • Bob

    Reply Reply August 25, 2016

    If there was an award for best teacher in the world, it should go to you. To my surprise this is how I play all my country breaks.
    Thanks to you, you have wrapped it up into a nice package that has expanded my breaks to a whole new level, I am forever grateful. Thank you. I know I said country, but I love the blues too.

    • james hartis

      Reply Reply June 7, 2017

      Thanks for the great tips and for showing us how to not just mimic songs as some teach but how to expand and create our own music.
      I appreciate your videos greatly.

  • Dennis Nakashima

    Reply Reply August 25, 2016

    interesting lesson…great humor too!

  • Alice

    Reply Reply August 26, 2016

    I’m a 66 yr old wanna be bass player
    I think you do a good job on teaching

  • Doug

    Reply Reply December 19, 2016

    I agree , You are a very good teacher. I’m up there in age have my own studio and Ableton software eat. , push and more . But I’m still learning

  • bill

    Reply Reply June 9, 2017

    I wish I could afford to get lessons form you as well as being about to use my finger better, but that is another story, LOL I really like what you do on here and it helps me a lot. I have to tell you I am 69 with arthritis and this helps me stay a little more limber, Keep up the good work

  • Cal

    Reply Reply July 16, 2017

    Hello Griff,I’ve been a BGU member for 2 years now and the course has been an inspiration{as well as your daily doses}.I don”t stray to other blues sites as this is too much overload and also because you’re my connection{sounds familiar?}Anyway,Isee you have bonuses for BGU 2.0 and was wondering if it is possible to to get in on bonus 1 and 3.You sent me Rut Busters with my original purchase and I just received Playing on the Porch. I hope this does’nt sound greedy just like you as my personal teacher. So thanks from the bottom of my blues heart for everything you do,Cal.

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